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This page shows various credits for all the different things used by either *Purr* or another project on the Organization.

Used libraries and utilities


Thanks to the following people, who provide their library for *Purr* to use:

Library License Used for
ben-manes/Caffeine Apache 2.0 Caching of various data.
MinnDevelopment/Discord-Webhooks Apache 2.0 Sending of Webhook messages in Discord.
google/Gson Apache 2.0 Parsing from and to JSON.
discord-jda/JDA Apache 2.0 Logging into and using the Discord API.
rainestormee/jda-command Apache 2.0 Adding and managing of commands in Discord.
rethinkdb/rethinkdb Apache 2.0 Database management.


Thanks to the following people, who provide software making this documentation possible!

Software License Used for
mkdocs/mkdocs BSD-2-Clause Creating this documentation.
squidfunk/mkdocs-material MIT Theme of this documentation.
facelessuser/pymdown-extension MIT Various extensions used by this documentation.
neoteroi/mkdocs-plugins MIT REST-API documentation.
ultrabug/mkdocs-static-i18n MIT Translations of the documentation.